Category: Aktuelno

Kvar na cevovodu i problemi u snabdevanju vodom u Novom Pazaru

Iznenadni kvar na dovodu vode kod naselja Ćeramedžinica u Novom Pazaru, na lokaciji Ćeramedžinica, Trnava, Svojbor, Jaklja i naselja iznad groblja Gazilar i fabrike...

Snijeg pokidao provodnike, bez struje više hiljada potrošača iz Prijepolja i Nove Varoši

Vlažan i težak snijeg koji je u noći između ponedeljka i utorka padao na područiju Prijepolja i Nove Varoši napravio je dosta štete na elektro mreži zbog čega...

Šesnaest godina od ubistva Zorana Đinđića


Dr. Zukorlić – Ugljanin dobio podršku Beograda, jer im još malo treba

Nosilac te liste Muamer Zukorlić u svom obraćanju nakon završetka prve sjednice Bošnjačkog nacionalnog vijeća kazao da je ova sjednica obilovala nepravilnostima,...

Best dedicated server hosting providers of 2022

Forget slow shared hosting – get a server that's literally just for you. Opting for a dedicated server means that you get an entire server to yourself. There's no...

The 21 Most Expensive Watches In The World: For When You Strike It Rich

If there’s one word that’s synonymous with luxury watches, it’s expensive. The world’s most exciting, exclusive, and extravagant timepieces are multi-million...

Uvakufljeno vozilo za potrebe Medžlisa IZ-e Beograd

Danas je u prostorijama Medžlisa Islamske zajednice Beograd u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra br. 241 uvakufljeno putničko vozilo za potrebe ovoga medžlisa, odnosno...


Luxury watches are some of the most sought-after and admired pieces of technology. Combining the best in craftsmanship, history, and design, watch prices can soar into...

11 Different Types Of Engagement Ring Styles

Diamond rings can be classified in many ways, but the classifications used most often are by design, type of setting, shape and cut of the diamonds, and metal used to...

Recommendations for education and training: Categories A and C (1995)

THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE OUTDATED Publication FELASA recommendations on the education and training of persons working with laboratory animals: Categories A and C:...